Contest Rules:
The Kansas Council for Economic Education is pleased to invite you, as a participant in one or more of the financial literacy activities sponsored by KCEE, to enter the 2025 Financial Literacy Scholarship Essay Contest sponsored by the Kansas Securities Commission, a division of the Kansas Insurance Department.
Contest Rules:
Students participating in the contest must enter an essay that meets the following requirements:
o A maximum of 1500 words,
o 12‐point font, double‐spaced, 1‐inch margins,
o Must be submitted as plaintext
o Each entry must be done individually and independently, representing each student’s own research thinking and writing, and
o Essay content is at the student’s discretion but must answer the question posed by the Office of the Securities Commissioner. Students may discuss what they hope to implement in their own life from the lessons learned in the financial literacy courses provided by their organization as it pertains to the question posed.
The 2025 question is as follows: Your loved one has recently lost their spouse, and they now live alone. Months later, they tell you they have been talking to someone who they met after receiving an unsolicited text message. Your loved one mentions they have been giving this individual money for an investment opportunity over the course of their relationship, in small amounts. Recently, they have been asked to give the individual $50,000 for a one-time investment opportunity, and that they are guaranteed to earn at least $100,000 in return. Tomorrow, your loved ones is scheduled to cash out a CD in order to pay the $50,000 and will soon after wire the funds to the individual as an investment.
What authority or authorities would you report the scam to? What information would you give them?
Is this a scam, and if so what kind? What are the red flags in this scenario that would indicate that this is a scam?
How would you approach a loved one who is in the middle of being defrauded? What techniques and resources would you use to talk to them about the situation or convince them they may be a victim of a scam?
The Essay will be scored using the following formula for a total of 55 points:
Identify the scam (10 points)
o Student identities the scam presented in the scenario and demonstrates clear knowledge of its red flags.
Demonstrate a plan of action for reporting fraud and utilizing anti-fraud resources (15 points)
o Student identifies a clear plan of action and identifies the proper authorities for dealing with the scam.
Discuss how to approach someone who has been or may be the victim of a scam (15 points)
o Student demonstrates knowledge of techniques to help someone who has been the victim of a financial scam.
Overall demonstration of financial literacy (10 points)
o Student demonstrates a strong understanding of financial literacy topics.
Grammar and spelling (5 points)
o Student writes clearly and effectively, with few or no grammatical or spelling errors.
The three students with the top three essays submitted by the Kansas Council on Economic Education will receive the following awards:
o First-place Essay – $5,000
o Second-place Essay – $3,000
o Third-place Essay – $2,000
The First-place essay will be automatically evaluated with essays submitted from other organizations to determine overall statewide scholarship awardees, with the same awards as those at the organizational level (i.e., $5,000 for the statewide first-place essay, $3,000 for the statewide second place essay, and $2,000 for the statewide third-place essay.
Scholarships will be awarded to a Kansas 529 account for use by the student as allowed by law.
Submission to KCEE is required by Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Essays should be submitted by the student’s financial literacy program teacher along with this document online at https://wichitastate.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eQZM43OUltE4Prw
Students must complete the form below and return to their teacher to submit with their essay.
Consider these resources when conducting your research:
Contact Charlene Nichols at charlene.nichols@wichita.edu with any questions.